Friday, October 06, 2006

I'm Back!!!

Okay, I know I have been silent for quite some time. I needed time to settle into our new life. I wasn't kidding when I told you that things were going to change around here. I just read back through my last couple of posts and can't believe how much progress we have made as a family since June. God is good.

The schedule is going well. I am actually enjoying it. I can't believe it!! We have set some pretty major boundaries on how much we allow the stresses of The Cocoa Tree to encroach on our home life. It is making a big difference in the way we live, the decisions we make and the amount of harmony that we feel on the homestead. :)

I have realized of late that life is SO much about the "little things." I am a visionary, so it is easy for me to cast my focus way beyond what is right in front of me. A little too easy. It is kind of like a fix for an addiction - ignore the present because it is a constant reminder of how things can so easily go wrong when I don't concentrate on the "little things." I am thankful for the lesson learned. God is good.

So, we are eating almost every meal around the table, learning good manners, doing chores, keeping the car cleaned out...mundane, I know, but fruitful - to say the least. I am planting little seeds in my children right now that will reap a big harvest someday. I am not naturally a planter - again, the visionary thing - but I am learning. Planting good manners, for instance. It seems so insignificant. But it is teaching such larger life lessons about respect and personal responsibility.

All of that to say, I am going to be posting on a more regular basis now. Finally! I have really missed is so theraputic for me. Thank you for listening. (reading) :)

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