Tuesday, July 31, 2007

It's a Deal!

I am negotiating a book deal with Thomas Nelson for a gift book called Chocolate Covered Friendship. So, I guess that means I am going to be an author. I never thought that about myself, but then chocolatier never hit the radar either! God is leading me down a path that has been so hard that I don't feel like getting out of bed most days, but so rewarding that I can't help but know that He has not forgotten me! His plans are good.

My husband is thrilled about the book, mostly because he is glad someone is finally paying me for my words! Otherwise it just seems that I have a lot to say for no apparent reason. LOL That must be a difficult thing to live with, for him.

I will try to keep up on the blog about the ins and outs of the book writing/publishing process. Hopefully it will be a fun ride! I don't typically write about how things are going, simply because it seems that things are always going so drastically around here. Nothing is really normal, ever. I guess that is just how life is going to be for me...and my family. Bless their hearts - really. I know they (my kids) probably just wish that I would remember to give them a bath a couple nights a week!

Is there something wrong with me??

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

Hey! I saw your comment on my blog and came on over to check yours out! Congrats on your book deal - that's amazing! It is a good think I like football with 4 boys soon to be over taking my house! Crazy...