Tuesday, August 02, 2005

First for everything

I am going to try this blog thing. I have been hearing about it for a couple of years and I keep thinking that it sounds like something I should do. After all, I am a cool and interesting person. Someone should want to read about my facinating life. Right? Well, at least I might feel better thinking that someone might actually be interested. :)

Business is good. Starting a business is more work than I ever dreamed was possible. There isn't enough time in the day. You just have to keep putting out the hottest fires and hope that someday you won't need the hose anymore.

Marriage is hard. Jesse and I are going to make it for sure...we love our family and we love each other, but life is hard and there just isn't enough love to make it all better. We are broken and it really hurts sometimes. Like when I have knocked myself out all day with 4 children, 4 employees, a production schedule and breastfeeding and my husband comes in - bless his heart. . .really - and tells me that he is disappointed in the condition of the house. I am thinking, "are you kidding me?" I handed him the baby and took a drive to cool off.

Chocolate is medicine. I stir my worries away in a bowl of melted chocolate. I lick it off my finger and remember how good life is.


Rachel said...

I effin' KNEW you were a Sag. I am too, GypsyChocolateQueen. Love LOVE that you're blogging. Do it.

JT said...

Well, what can I say about that? I'm a jerk.

Anonymous said...

So I ended up reading your first ever blog last... It has been therapy for me today... reading your ENTIRE blog site. I have related to so many things you said and that helps... So now I will go to my Life Span Nutrition Class with ease and less stress, thank you!