Tuesday, May 27, 2008

God Knew - Didn't He

When God chose to let Jesse and I raise Jessie Lyric, Journey, Bridge, Story and baby Manhattan...

He knew what He was doing.

Didn't He?

He knew our strengths, our weaknesses, our talents, our issues, our future...

He knew it all,

And He chose to let Jessie Lyric, Journey, Bridge, Story and baby Manhattan pass through life under our watch.

What a humbling honor.

What a relief.

God knew...

He knew the mistakes we would make,

the sins we would commit,

the courage we would wield,

the lives we would change,

the hearts we would break -

He chose to let Jessie Lyric, Journey, Bridge, Story and baby Manhattan experience life through our triumphs and our mistakes.

They will be stronger, they will be wiser, they will be tested-

Somehow, they will be exactly who God created them to be.

Isn't it a relief?

God's will is done through our strengths and our weaknesses.

God knew...

Didn't He.


Tina said...

I needed to read this. I have just picked myself up off the floor and felt like God was telling me to check your blog. I have just had a total breakdown over selling all of children’s things in the garage sale this weekend so that I can drag them to another country. I was just thinking about how selfish I was to ask them to do this and how I bet they wished they were not my kids. But They will be stronger, they will be wiser, they will be tested-

Somehow, they will be exactly who God created them to be. Thank you friend.

Bethany said...

God is so faithful to speak to us when we need it most. What a sweet friend He is.

Your children will be fine! Are they sad?

Lindsay said...

Hey Girl! Thanks for commenting on my blog today, it was good to hear from you and to catch up with you via your blog! When are you expecting Manhattan to be here? Congrats on another little girl - can't wait to hear about her when she arrives.