Tuesday, May 20, 2008

What is Worship?

Okay! I will blog something! :) For all of you who just can't seem to live without me. (kidding)

I really AM trying to keep up with the blog. Lately, I have been spending so much time at home with the kids, it seems that everyday is just like the day before. Up at 7:00, breakfast, Jessie and Journey out the door to the bus stop, Bridge says something cute, Story is adorable, lunch, nap time, trip to Sonic, the bus brings the older two home, we talk and eat a snack, I force them to play together (lots of fun!), we eat dinner, watch Spongebob and go to bed.

It is really hard for me to do the same thing over and over. I have been hearing a lot from God on the subject, of course. He regards our work - when done unto Him - as worship. I can find contentment in the fact that the daily routine of tending to my family is considered worship to Him. I think of this when my day gets mundane and the chores seem endless. He is so faithful.

For this season, He has called me to my family. It has been precious. I know I am at the right place. I am thankful that He orders my life. I am so excited to get back to my chocolate, but in the mean time, I am loving the relationships with my family and my creator.

I'll get back to chocolate soon enough. . .


Tina said...

You are a great mommy! I am glad that you are resting in your current role. Your worship is beautiful to Him!

hthr said...

Pick up the book "praise habit" by David Crowder! you will LOVE IT! I just blogged about it yesterday...it is amazing...perfectly describes, as you said it - the mundane. the ordinary. and praising God in & through it.