Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!

So, this will go down as one of the most memorable Valentine's Days ever. I have the flu, my husband has the flu, my children have the flu. It is miserable. We brought down 2 mattresses, put them in front of the TV and we are all hanging out in the "sick club" clubhouse. Our drinks of choice are Robitussin and Gatorade and coughing is the soundtrack of our life. This has been going on for 4 days, but it seems like 4 years.

Even though it is not fun, we are all together. My two youngest are taking turns snuggling with me, kissing me and telling me they love me "so much." Isn't that what you want to hear on Valentine's day! :) I am loved. It feels so good, even when I'm sick.

I hope you are feeling loved today...

1 comment:

elizebeth said...

Bethany, your words paint such pictures. I praise God for giving your several mediums; music, words, and chocolate! I look forward to your book. :)