Friday, February 22, 2008

The Rumors are True

The Cocoa Tree is closed for good. I know that it is hard to believe, but for those of us who were on the "inside" for the last year, it is actually quite a relief.

Here is the email that I sent out a couple of weeks ago, I think it says everything that I am able to say about it at the time being...

Dear friends of The Cocoa Tree,

I regret to inform you that The Cocoa Tree is no longer in business. My business partner and I are at odds and it seems that the only way to separate ourselves is to let the business die. There are some very exciting things in my future; I want to concentrate on that rather than on the past.

You have loved my product, supported the business, cheered me up, cheered me on and essentially made me into the award-winning, nationally recognized chocolatier that I am today. I thank you for that from the bottom of my heart.

Here's to whatever the future holds! I have no doubt who holds my future...

Love to you,


Bethany said...

I have received so many wonderful emails from those who will miss The Cocoa Tree. I am posting several of them here so we can all be a little sad and a little encouraged together...

Bethany said...

i just rcvd your email. i so appreciate your honesty and your boldness in your affirmation of Who is ultimately in control. i will pray that your journey ahead will be filled with clarity and discernment as to how & when & what you need to do for yourself & your precious family. i must confess that selfishly i am so very disappointed that there will be no more indulgences & treating myself with the most incredible chocolates i have ever had....i think i will miss the spicy hot chocolate & jack & ginger truffles the most!!!!
May our Lord bless you right now with the peace that passes all our understanding.
a customer who cares

Bethany said...

I can't tell you how saddened I am!! I often drove 2 hours just for a piece of Lydia's Truffle cake with the rose water!! There is nothing in the world like it!! What will I do without it? And the Mayan hot chocolate!

Whatever has happened with you and your partner, I wish the best for you and your chocolate.

Off to cry in private...

Bethany said...

I am devastated!!! I almost drove the 15 miles from Fernvale to Franklin tonight to get a mayan hot chocolate. Oh you just have to open back up somewhere else or teach someone else to make your hot chocolate. I dream about it. Please save your email list, and let us know when you are back in action and where.

Bethany said...

I can't hardly believe this! This sucks! Does this suck? I'm positive God has even bigger things in store for you. What a talented person you are. I've been coming to the Cocoa Tree since it was in that itty bitty place connected to that restaurant downtown. I think you would recognize me. Your husband Jesse knows who I am. My girlfriend did a scrapbook page on your business a # of years ago. It was when you were in your 2nd location downtown with the pretty blue and brown awning. Wow. I'm having a hard time taking this in. I have taken so many people the cocoa tree. I have never had hot chocolate so good in my entire life. Can you have a "closing party" so that we can have your hot chocolate one more time? I live in Murfreesboro and I would go to Franklin just for a cup of hot chocolate. My husband couldn't understand why I'd drive that far just for a cup of hot chocolate. I hope you would consider having a closing party. I'm really bummed about this. Maybe it's time for a new season in your life? God has only good and great things in store for you. I would like to know what things you'll be doing. I've been a business woman for a lot of years and this kind of thing really interests me. It's amazing how you can touch people's lives with chocolate. It has been a privilege hanging out at the Cocoa Tree and I want to thank you for that. I'm still in shock.

Bethany said...

Whaaaaaat???? I think I am going to be physically sick. Cocoa Tree is my absolute #1 favorite spot in Franklin. It is my husband’s and my favorite date spot, family hang out place and the deck out back is unequaled in all of Franklin for it’s ambiance. My whole extended family LOVES Cocoa Tree and it’s the first place we take visitors. And besides that, how in the world am I going to live without your chocolate pudding?? When I forward this to my family & friends, they will all be in shock. I’m so sorry you’re going through all this. I sincerely hope you open another chocolate shop. I know the whole community will be begging you to reconsider since it has become one of the favorite spots in downtown. Anyway...God bless you and I sure hope to see you as a shop owner in Franklin again soon.

Bethany said...

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh, Bethany!!!! I AM SOOOO SAD!!! I loved
your chocolates, particularly your Peanut butter
truffles!!! Whatever will I do without them?? Maybe,
lose weight? Giggle! I am so sad....I would support
your business rather than the new one that is on the
main street b/c I love small business owners seeing my
husband and I have been one for years! My daughters
who are in their 20's (one lives in Virginia beach and
I have to mail her your chocolate!) is going to be sad
as well. She visited (her husband is from Franklin and
joined the Navy) at Christmas and was sad you were out
of things she loved, so I mailed them to her when you
had them back in stock.

I want you to
know I wish you the VERY BEST! Will you re-open down
the road? And...will you tell any of us how to make
the peanut butter truffles? Those of us that you got
addicted are suffering out here! Giggle! Love to
you...and the sounds of are a Christian? are right, He holds our future, Praise God!

Bethany said...

I am sad to hear about the Cocoa Tree for I have sent your products to family members in other states, bought as gifts for local friends PLUS I would have never claimed to be a truffle people until I tasted yours. They are the BEST

Best wishes and keep in touch where ever you land.

Bethany said...

This is a great loss for Franklin. I am so sad. Lots of out of town friends loved to go to The Cocoa Tree.

Good luck with your future plans!!

Bethany said...

So sorry to hear of this. Please keep me on your mailing list so I know where to buy your beautiful creations and continue support of your work.

Bethany said...

Even though I don't know you, I simply want to thank you for the season of good chocolate in Franklin. My friends and family have all loved your chocolate...especially the truffles and the mayan hot chocolate.
I'm a huge fan of the movie 'Chocolat', and your store brought it to life! Mmmmm!!!!

My God continue to guide you on your venture. And once again, thanks
for the season. You and your store will be greatly missed in Franklin!

Bethany said...

Please let us know where you set up shop - you simply must. Chocolate lovers need you!

Bethany said...

The guts to pursue that call and your persistence in following through what God called you to do with the C-Tree will always serve as an encouragement to me personally. So many people are too fearful to follow their dreams and you put them all to shame. You are a woman of great courage and talent. May God bless your next dream and warn all those in your way that His great warrior is coming and she is not afraid of what He'll do though her. I'm proud to say I know you.

Ps: I will miss your chocolate, I've ever had.

Bethany said...

What a bittersweet day! I will greatly miss the wonderful atmosphere of The Cocoa Tree. I've been coming since the very first day in the little corner of the Franklin Mercantile and have had many good memories with friends over your wonderful chocolate. I've traveled all over the United States and have never found a place like The Cocoa Tree. I will be praying for your new path and God's guidance and protection over you and your family during this time. Can't wait to see what's coming next!

Bethany said...

My family and I are really sad that the Cocoa Tree is closed. We have lived in Franklin for 2 1/2 yrs and bring all of our visitors to Franklin to the The Cocoa Tree. It was a tradition. We are going to miss the mayan hot chocolate very much. Please let us know if you ever decide to open another Cocoa Tree on your own.

Thank you for the 2 1/2 yrs of chocolate bliss.

Bethany said...

This is so sad. The Cocoa Tree was always a favorite spot to take out of town visitors. I wish you the best of luck in whatever else you choose to do!! Thanks for all the fabulous hot chocolate :)

Bethany said...

OMG!! I am watching you on the Food Network...with the chocolate statue of liberty!! Holy Cow. That's awesome.

I was very sad to hear that The Cocoa Tree was closing, but look at you now. Way to go!

Keep up the good work.

hthr said...

My first visit to downtown Franklin was two years ago while my hubby was interviewing for a job here. We made our way into The Cocoa Tree and I was completely captivated. I knew instantly I could move here and not be homesick for my favorite truffle stop back home in Florida. Your truffles are amazing and the Mayan Hot Chocolate was like nothing I'd ever had. I gave many gifts of truffles this year for Christmas and everyone's face lit up, "ooh! the cocoa tree!". Your store will be your blog, love your chocolate, and am looking forward to great things to come for you & your family! God Bless!

Bethany said...

Both you and your marvelous confections will be sadly missed.
Whenever I needed a pick-me-up, special outing with a friend, or special gift, I could always count on The Cocoa Tree. Tomorrows challenges are also opportunities, and your friends and faith will carry you to the next stage.

Keep me informed if you decide to return to your place as a marvelous chocolatier.

May God continue to bless you.