Saturday, March 08, 2008

The Cocoa Tree Photo Montage

I put some of the photos from the The Cocoa Tree to music. This is from when we were on Main Street and lived above the shop. It was the time of our lives.

I hope this works on your computer. Let me know if you have trouble viewing it by leaving a comment on the post.



Jenn said...

Ok please don't put things like that on your blog. I had tears in my eyes! Those were such unforgetable memories. Thank you for letting me be a part of your life! I will never forget that summer!

Tina said...

That was crazy cool!! I have to agree with Jen though it was rather bittersweet to watch. So many memories.... I am excited to see what God has in store for the cocoa dream in the future. :)

carol said...

This site is a great way to start my day ,lots of funny thing to read, make me think of my childhood
long ago. Keep it coming.