Thursday, March 27, 2008


This is an email that my friend Tina sent to me several years ago. I have saved it all this time. I ran across it today and it spoke to me, just like it does every time I run across it. It is too good to keep to myself . . .

God is so sweet to me. I just want to share with you how He loved on me this afternoon. After my disappointing day yesterday, I had been asking Him to please remove the clouds that seem to be covering the answers that we have been looking for. This is just the way that I picture the circumstance that we are in. A cloud.

So, in my bible study today, the entire last part is on...clouds. :) There are several verses showing places and times in the bible where God is within clouds or uses clouds to help people not hurt them. Then the following paragraph is written....

In the Bible, clouds are always connected with the Spirit of God. Clouds are those sorrows or sufferings in our personal lives, which seem to dispute the rule of God. It is by those very clouds that the Spirit of God is teaching us how to walk by faith. If there were no clouds, we would have no faith. The clouds are the dust of our Fathers feet (Nahum 1:3) The clouds are a sign that He is there! We must be able to look at the darkest, blackest cloud and know that is does not change God's character, who He is.

~When darkness seems to hide His face, I rest on His unchanging grace. In every high and stormy gale, my anchor holds within the veil. On Christ the Solid Rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand.~

I am so humbled by His desire to speak to me and help me. God is so good. Thanks for letting me share and for praying with me.

1 comment:

Karthi said...

I've always loved clouds and storms... my son and I have this in common. Whenever he sees them roll in, he says, "Mom's gonna love this one." The darker the clouds, the better. I have had several friends ask "What is it that makes you so happy about a gloomy, gray day like this?" It's so strange.. I dunno. The more darkness I see enveloping around me, the more evident His power is somehow... I saw a preview for a new movie in which a character, all battered and bloody, exclaimed, "There's something in the mist!" Yes, there is.... There's Awe- Full Mystery and Mighty Power and Complete Safety and Cleansing Redemption and Stubborn Love. One day very soon, He'll come on a cloud.